Monday, August 3, 2015

Weekend Pigtails

Monday Monday. Who else is missing the weekend today. I know I sure am. With a new week already in full swing over here let's discuss the best days of the week shall we! 
Friday was super fun, since my sweet friend Kelly drove down from LA and spent the day. We took the peanut to our splash pad and she had ball. 
Thanks for this super cute shot Kel!

Then Saturday was a pretty momentous day for us because.... I was able to FINALLY do this,  to my sweet little girls hair! 
I cannot begin to tell you the amount of excitement and pure girl mom joy I had brushing her hair into pigtails or waterspouts as my mother in-law called them :-) 
So needless to say we rocked these bad boys all weekend. 
And yes I am getting a "no mommy" in the picture. 
Saturday night my awesome bestie babysat so Steve and I could attend a murder mystery dinner. Super fun night with great conversation as always. Thanks Auntie Em! 
My sweet friend Alyssa and I at dinner...kidless 

Then sunday was a good old fashioned family day. We ran a bunch of errands and rode the "choo choo" at the mall. Headed home for naps and hung out. 
Pretty much a super awesome weekend. Now we have to push though the next few days till grandma and papa come visit!!! I don't know who's more excited the peanut, or the parents who know they get a few extra hands this weekend. I'll give you a hint it's the ones who will be drinking wine. 
 photo http___signatures.mylivesignature.com_54493_198_3B9A860E4AB8BA4D9B027EA4557992A3_zpspcmixpxt.png

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