Saturday, June 27, 2015

The horror that is mommy guilt

Ugh. Mommy guilt. You've experienced it right.  Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? Should I go to the movies or not? I'm sure as moms we've all had these thoughts and let's face it, they stink. I think it's one of the worst feelings a mom has to deal with. The thing to remember while dealing with it is happy mommy = happy baby. It's important to take care of yourself, go to the spa, get your nails done, see a movie, go shopping, and sometimes do it alone so this way when you come home you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  I try to make sure when I'm home with the peanut I dedicate all my attention to her, or at least set times. Then this way while I'm out and doing something for me I feel less guilty.
 My mom worked full time my whole childhood, still does and I never felt neglected. Sure I would have loved to have her there every morning to put me on the bus and every afternoon to pick me up and make a snack, but the time we had with her was always wonderful. It was special, and we had her all to ourselves. It's about quality time.

Everyone else's opinion is just that an opinion. Don't make excuses for them. These are the most precious little things in your life, you know you are doing your absolute best for them. People will always share what they think you should and should not be doing with your kids. But see heres the thing, they are YOUR kids. Don't try to make excuses for someone who doesn't understand why you are are doing whatever it is you're doing, nod smile and say "I'll think about that" At the end of the day you know your child the best you know whats best for you as a family, they DON'T! Trust your mommy gut!
And for my last thought of the day, mommy shaming. You know you've done form time to time. You had thought of "why is that mom doing blank?" "doesn't she know better". I've been guilty of this before and I feel terrible for it.
We are all in the same boat it's a shame we don't all support one another more. Thats what it should really be about. Watching our kids grow up together, being a shoulder to rely on. If you make an effort to build one another up instead of tear each other down then I think we would all be much happier. Just my 2 cents

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My love hate relationship with airports and travel

We travel ALOT. It seems like we are never home, sounds amazing right? Well heres the thing we both like going away it's the getting there part thats not so fun. 
You see we live in sunny California, we were born and raised in New York, my family still lives there, my husbands family lives in Texas, then when theres time and funds available we also like to go on vacation. You see my point, basically if we want to hang out with the family or go to a different beach we need to get on a plane in order to do it. 
Now this wasn't much of an issue when it was just the two of us because I don't need to pack snacks or watch doc mctsuffins in order to get my husband to sit down on a plane. But now with a 16 month old it got real, real fast.
So here's a few things we do in order to conquer the airport blues..
1. Airports and airplanes are dirty dirty dirty. As a mom I tend to do way too much research which can be enlightening to say the least. What I found out is probably a little to gross to share, but I will say Clorox wipes are my new best friends. They sell tiny packs in the dollar section in target. We wipe down EVERYTHING, since peanut still puts a lot of stuff in her mouth better safe then sorry. Before we let her sit down we always make sure to wipe the seats, tray table, TV, armrests, etc. This helps ease my nerves about germs and make us less worried.
2. Ergo, Ergo, Ergo! I love love love my carrier. It has saved us from many a meltdown. Sometimes all she needs is to be close to mama. Plus this keeps strangers from pulling the old "your daughters so cute" and touching her hands. We even use it to get her to nap on long flights, which gives me 30-45 mins of bliss on a flight.
3. Ready set pack! I always make sure to pack peanut her own back pack full of goodies. I go to the dollar section at Target a few days before a trip and grab a few things that will keep her occupied while in flight. I have been doing the new toy trick since her first flight at 5 months old. I used to just buy one new toy, now I buy a few inexpensive things since its so hard to keep her occupied for long. Also, be sure to keep some things in your luggage so you have something for the flight back, and don't forget the snacks.

 Honest Diapers | Thermos Minnie Mouse Cup | Wet Ones | Honest Wipes | Dollar Section Goodies | Plum Organics Snacks | Backpack

Then in my bag I keep back up bows, my iPad for emergency situations, our head phones (both not pictured)  my planner, 3 chap sticks totally normal, my mini bag as we call it which has bandaids, hand sanitizer, tylenol that kinda of stuff, my sunglasses, and diaper wallet. I found this diaper wallet from the blog Veronika's Blushing. Which is great and you should totally check it out!
After reading her review I decided to order one, and I am so happy I did. Its fantastic and best part is, when Steve has the peanut he just needs to grab this and go, then for me it fits in my purse.
Win Win!

Planner and Note book | Bow | Wallet | Sunglasses (no longer available) similar here  | Cosmetic Case | York Buckle Tote | Lip Stick

I use the extra wipe holder for hand and face wipes, this way I can keep it attached to the stroller and have it readily available while out and about. This is especially helpful while traveling. 
We LOVE visiting family and traveling, it's just the getting there that's not always that easy. I try to do everything I can to make it as painless as possible. But that's not always the case. Oh well! It is what it is. Lets all just hope the flight attendants are super awesome and understanding. When that happens it can make a flight that much more enjoyable! 
Safe Travels ;) 
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Monday, June 22, 2015

Our Weekend

Happy Monday! We had a lovely Fathers Day weekend! As usual we both had an extra hard time letting daddy leave this morning for work. It's always the hardest part of sundays right? Knowing that in the morning you start the week all over again and have to wait another 5 days to play. Someone needs to work on the whole 4 day work week thing. Just saying. 

We had a very low key fathers day weekend, which is exactly what he requested. 
Saturday was spent hanging out and going out for a yummy lunch. Then it ended with a super cool dinner with friends. We went to a "speak easy", like need to know where the entrance is to get in kinda place. For all you locals, we went to the Blind Rabbit. The friends we went out with suggested it and it was sublime! The food and drinks were amazing and the ambiance was fantastic, but the company and adult conservation was my favorite. We all shared a few of their dishes so we could try a bunch. The duck confit mac and cheese, and street dogs take the cake in my book! If you live in the OC totally check it out. 

Then sunday was wonderful. 
I made steve buttermilk french toast in the morning, if you follow me on instagram I'm sure you saw (@bumpsbabesandbellins). He loved the video by the way, which made it a total win for yours truly. 

We visited the farmers market and watched peanut twirl around in her dress. That was by far one of the best moments for this girl mom, seeing her grab her sunglasses, purse, and kiss the dog goodbye, then twill. My heart melted! So sweet. 

We had lunch at a food truck, one of Steves favorites. Went to home depot, because really where else do you go on Fathers Day? Peanut had a melt down while we were there, luckily we live close so we rushed home and put her down for a nap. When she woke up we had a mini water balloon fight, which I of course neglected to take photos of. Then played in the water table till bath time. 

All and all it was a perfect weekend, as many of them are. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend celebrating dad! 
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Friday, June 19, 2015

Sweet Summer time

With summer time in full swing over here, I thought it might be fun to do a bucket list of things we want to do this summer since we will actually be HOME! Can you believe it? As of now we aren't going anywhere in July or August! Pinch me I must be dreaming! 
You see we travel A LOT, and traveling with a almost 17 month old has not been all peaches and roses. So we are truly looking forward to being home for awhile and hanging around.
1. BEACH. BEACH. BEACH oh hey have mentioned the beach? 
2. find the BEST splash pad in the area 
3. stay out late enough to actually see the fireworks 
4. have a water balloon toss 
5. go to the fair and eat way too many fried foods and things on sticks 
6. make smores after dinner with the peanut, while making sure she doesn't get too close to the fire
7. go to a movie on the lawn 
8. attempt to go to zoo before it gets way to hot 
9. make the best sangria ever
10. go to the children's museum or pretend city as a family
11. actually make it to one of the peanuts swimming lessons 
12. do a watermelon tour at the farm 
13. trampoline park 
14. let the peanut watch her first disney princess moves (beauty and the beast) hoping she loves it as much as mommy

"A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burring sand Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned In summer" 
Minus the snow part, and lots of sunscreen, this will be this summers motto! 
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

5 things I LOVE about being a MOM

Why not kick off this parenting and lifestyle blog with a good old-fashioned list. Right! 
So here is goes,
 5 things I love about being a mom. 

1) Unconditional love 
Corny but true, this little girl loves us unconditionally no stings attached. We feel the exact same way about her. She doesn't care if I brushed my teeth first thing in the morning, she'll still give me kisses. She doesn't care if we stay in all day and have dance parties or run a million errands, she just loves that I am there. I feel the exact same way. She may have temper tantrums (what toddler doesn't) or rub yogurt on my desk chair (that just happened) no matter what I love her the same. 

2) Having a little buddy
I know most moms think this, and boy is it true. You always have someone to go to target with or go get lunch with. She's so much fun and getting to that stage where her personality comes out all the time and I LOVE it! Although, she may be a mini version of me, in which case my poor husband will really be in for it by the time this chick hits high school. 

3) Getting to experience it all over again
Having kids is like getting to watch your favorite show or re read your favorite book for the first time. You get this amazing opportunity to redo it all. I love watching her have her first experiences, it's like I am eating ice cream for the very first time or meeting Mickey Mouse all over again.  Theres something magical in getting to do it all over with your kids. 

4) Being a kid again
This one kind of goes hand and hand with the last one. You get to be silly and sing disney songs at the top of your lungs, and the best part no one can judge you because your just trying to keep your toddler from screaming. You get to go to the park and swing on the swings without looking like that crazy lady who's a little to big for the seesaw. Finger painting, splash pads, eating with your hands, having a kiddo gives you a free pass to act like a kid again. Although I do recommend you go back to being a grownup every so often, you know so you don't look totally insane.

5) Finding my purpose 
I have always wanted to be a mom. Having peanut really gave me purpose. I knew I wanted to do everything in my power to be the best mommy I can be for her. That gave me reason to seek knowledge, better myself an intern make me realize "hey I'm not half bad at this". Now trust me I know I can alway be better, but having a tiny human look up to me for everything makes me want to be better not just for me, but for her.

What are some of the things you love about being a mom? Tell me in the comments! 


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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Fathers Day Gift Ideas

With fathers day quickly approaching I thought I would share some quick last minute gift ides. The best part is I found them all on amazon. Can you say prime 2 day delivery? 
1. Wallet Ninja ,this thing is pure awesome I put it in my husbands stocking this year and he LOVED it. It's a one stop shop and best of all it fits right in his wallet! Just remember to take it out in the airport we've been stopped a few times. 
2. Best. Dad. Ever t-shirt, I have to say any dad would probably love to rock one of these sweet tees or any cute and funny saying shirt. I know my husband is going to be pretty happy I added to his ever growing t-shirt collection. It's comfortable and from his kid. 
3. For the sophisticated papa, I thought a Moscow mule cup would be in order. These are a great gifts and pretty classy if you ask me. Plus side for mamas they look GREAT on a bar cart. 
4. Ok so I didn't buy into the whole Fitbit thing awhile ago but I recently got this Fitbit charge HR and I LOVE it! So for the fitness lover in your dad or husband I think this is a must! It tracks steps, calories, heart rate, sleep, distance and floors climbed. 
5. The iGrill mini, this baby has saved so many chickens in our house. It's fantastic you can place it in your meat and walk away. It alerts you on your phone (or apple watch) when dinner is done! Doesn't get any easier then that. The best part once my husband bought this he was super excited to grill for awhile to keep trying it out, which meant a whole week of no cooking for yours truly. 
As another suggestion you can always do something homemade and creative. I did pictures of the peanut holding the letters D-A-D last year and framed it, he loved it! This year I made him a movie of him and peanut on my phone set to the song "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis. There won't be a dry eye in our house on sunday. 
I hope you all have a wonderful fathers day! 

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Monday, June 15, 2015

A balloon, a glass of champagne, and a Hello!

Hello everyone! 
And welcome to my little corner of the inter web. I'm so thrilled to finally launch bumps, babes, and bellini’s. 

Let me start by introducing myself, my name is Nicole, I’m a mommy and natural light photographer in Southern California. I'm happily married to my very best friend who I've known since I was 12 and we have a beautiful, rambunctious and sassy 16-month-old little girl. Oh and one adorable and patient little yorkie who could use little extra TLC these days.
I have always wanted to be a mom and couldn't wait to start popping out the kiddos when we got married. Once I had our sweet little peanut my passion and love for all things baby went into overdrive. I couldn't wait to get my hands on all the latest gear and learn about new ways to become a better parent.

I decided to create bumps, babes and bellini’s as a parenting and lifestyle blog to offer up my tiniest bit of pregnancy and parenting knowledge. I am by no means an expert but I I've learned a thing or two and figured why not share. Whether you're here for one post or you follow along I hope I can give you some insight from my experiences.

Either way I'm glad you're here or I hope you got a good laugh. 

Welcome to our crazy life!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I couldn't be more excited!

This is something I have wanted to do for awhile, so here we go we launch 
Monday June 15th!
Here goes nothing 
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