Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bumpdate Week 25 & 26

How far along: I plan to do these as a recap of the pervious week so this is my 25 and 26 week update, currently I'm 27 weeks! 

Gender: GIRL 
Baby Size: Acorn Squash 
Maternity clothes: Oh heck yes all the time, I even plan to wear some after she's here. 
Sleep: Still pretty good, I pee a ton but all and all I am very happy that I actually sleep. 
What I am looking forward too: I am so ready to meet this kid! I think what I am looking forward to the most is watching these adorable sisters hang out. 
What I miss: As always sushi and wine haha 
Cravings: Ice cream, bagels, bagel chips...basically food 
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Best Moment of the week: Seeing my cousin and meeting her sweet little girl was a huge highlight. So cool to see our girls all hang out together. 

Gender: GIRL 
Baby Size: Scallion 
Maternity clothes: Yup! 
Sleep: All is still good here other then peeing a bunch I get some solid rest at night. 
What I am looking forward too: Moving into my third trimester, how is that possible? That and visiting my family next week. 
What I miss: Sushi and wine is there anything else? 
Cravings: Still Ice cream, so we made strawberry chocolate chip ice cream from scratch this week and let me tell you the MOST amazing thing I have had in a while.   
Queasy or sick: Nope
Best Moment of the week: This whole weekend was my favorite in a while we truly had such a nice family fun packed weekend that was truly needed. 

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Scenes from Our Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend, it was literally so much fun. On Saturday we decided to take C to do the Strawberry tour at Tanaka Farms and we all had a blast. We had done this earlier this year with their watermelon tour, and this time we got to pick our own strawberries. C loved the wagon ride and trying all the veggies along the way. She especially loved the carrots and cilantro. Then we headed over to the patch and picked two pounds of strawberries. I think eating them was her favorite part, she just kept picking and stuffing them in her face and when we left she was covered in strawberry juice. On our way out we indulged in some delicious grilled corn and she munched away on mine, lesson learned we need to buy 3 next time. Haha.

Then after nap, the peanut kept asking to go into the pool so we took her over there. She is a fantastic little swimmer, its so cool to watch. I guess those swim lessons are truly paying off. We had her in floaties so she could feel a little more confident and so Steve could relax a bit more out there with her. She was on her back rolling over, jumping in, and going under water like a real pro. I can't wait to see where she is at this summer.

Sunday we had to head over to Daddies store and help him with a few work things, but we did stop for doughnuts on the way to ease the blow. Our little helper was so great while we were there and made the whole thing pain free. Then when we got home she promptly passed out. Steve made the most amazing fried rice for dinner using some of the veggies we picked up at the farm.
All and all it was an awesome weekend, I miss it already. Looking forward to another family fun weekend. Hope you all had a fabulous one!
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Monday, April 18, 2016

Bumpdate Week 24

How far along: I plan to do these as a recap of the pervious week so this is my 24 week update, currently I'm 25 weeks! 
Gender: GIRL 
Baby Size: Ear of Corn
Maternity clothes: Oh Yes, I recently got some new tops from Motherhood that are super comfortable and now I just want some new yoga pants I can actually wear out of the house. The once I recently got are amazing but I wear them to sleep. 
Sleep: Still pretty good, which I am beyond grateful for. 
What I am looking forward too: Starting to get the urge to just have her here already, I can't wait to hold her and watch C with her. She is going to be the best big sister ever. 
What I miss: My energy level! I am still struggling with how tired I get come the afternoon. I do occasionally indulge in a afternoon latte or iced coffee but it isn't enough. Mama needs a nap! 
Cravings:  Nothing specific, just food haha 
Queasy or sick: Nope! 
Best Moment of the week: C came up to me out of nowhere this week kissed my belly and goes "I love you baby sister"It was quite possibly one of the best moments of my pregnancy. 
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Thursday, April 14, 2016

What mom really wants for Mothers Day

Alright ladies... and gentlemen I have it right here for you a few things mama just can't live without, your ultimate gift guide this upcoming holiday.

1) A day ALONE not on actual mothers day (but hey that could be the case) but a full on day alone, sometimes in the house to stay in jammies all day drink copious amounts of wine, watch trashy t.v and have no diapers to change.

2) For someone else to do everything while you tell her she's pretty. Sure the day alone would be nice but hey if you a nursing mama and or she just can't swing it with nap time then do it ALL for her. I'm talking meals, diapers, feedings, you name it. When the kiddos need something mama doesn't do it.

3) Possibly a new bag or piece of of jewelry. Hey no-one is insulting the macaroni necklace or diaper bag but this is your time to shine. Buy her something that screams "My kids can't touch this!" or "I might have a social life outside of playdates" you can thank me later as I am sure she'll be smitten to have a purse so tiny it only carries things for her.
Also here are a few suggestions *wink wink

4) A handmade gift from the little ones. You guys this gets my every time, go for that handprint or hand painted cup she'll love it. It also wouldn't hurt if that coffee mug came with a fresh cup of coffee she didn't have to make herself.

5) Let her pee in piece! I know sounds odd but this gift might actually make me cry. Each and every time I have to use the ladies room, my daughter yells "I coming! I coming" just once I would love a day heck a weekend where I don't have a audience while I pee. Same goes for the shower, you know what the bathroom is off limits while she's in there on Mothers Day!

6) Oh and while we are one the subject of taming the little ones can you please handle all meltdown for the day? The kids loose their sh*t, you take them ok?

7) Last but not least in fact it may be the most important one! Tons and tons of love and kisses and not just from the kids. Hey this woman does a lot for the family, make sure to tell her. It can be in a mushy card or straight from your mouth just make sure today of all days she knows how much you appreciate her and how fabulous she is. Oh and how pretty she is, don't forget she's pretty spectacular.

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Bumpdate Week 23

How far along: I plan to do these as a recap of the pervious week so this is my 23 week update, currently I'm 24 weeks! 
Gender: GIRL 
Baby Size: Eggplant 
Maternity clothes: Heck yes! Don't forget to check out my awesome giveaway! Ends on Friday so you still have plenty of time to enter. 
Sleep: Yes, still going well minus the whole peeing all the time thing, but I am happy I am not suffering from insomnia like I did with C. 
What I am looking forward too:  Having C feel baby sister wiggle and worm, Daddy got to feel her a few times. We haven't had these two sisters corporate while one is on the run, the baby is wiggling around, when I finally get C to sit then baby girl mellows out. One day it will happen. 
What I miss: Looking and feeling cute, I know this is a woah is me comment. I have totally found some awesome pieces that are super cute but I guess I am just missing my pre pregnancy body these days. 
Cravings:  Nothing specific this week, but I will be honest and say bad food. I need to reel it in. I am not gaining a million pounds this time around. 
Queasy or sick: Nope! YAY! 
Best Moment of the week: Having our wonderful friends visit this week was truly the highlight. We had so much fun! We took C to the San Diego Zoo, spent the morning at the beach and ate out a lot. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. 
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Friday, April 8, 2016

PinkBlush Maternity Review and Giveaway

So not too long ago PinkBlush Maternity reached out to me to see if I was interested in reviewing one of their items. I of course replied yes! I have seen there stuff all over but hadn't ordered from them before and now I am hooked. What I loved most about the pieces wasn't just how trendy and adorable they were, but also had affordable everything was. The best part they have stuff that works post baby!

The maternity dress I choose is perfect for this amazing spring weather. It's light weight and flowly while being cute and comfortable. I paired it with some tory sandals and a sweater from target. It was a fabulous spring look. And like I mentioned before I totally think this will be easy to pull off post baby. I loved the print it's classy and trendy at that same time, if you haven't noticed by now I am obsessed with navy so this was a great fit to my personal style.

I also decided this would be a great opportunity to order a cute pair of pajama's as well. I had a c section with C so I wanted something that I can take to the hospital or use at home with baby girl that won't irritate my incision. These adorable pajamas are perfect for just that! They are so soft and comfortable. The waist is very stretchy as well so they will be great for lounging around at home and the top will be perfect for nursing.

Thank you to PinkBlush Maternity for the adorable dress! Now for the fun part they are giving YOU a chance to have a little shopping fun of your own! They are giving one of my readers a chance to win a $75 gift card, which can be used for the womens line or maternity clothes so this is for anyone no bump needed. Enter Below and Good Luck!
Contest runs until April 15th, I will announce winner on Facebook, Instagram and on here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**PinkBlush sent me the featured dress for my review.  All opinions expressed are solely my own and PInkBlush is a brand I support, have purchased, and will continue to purchase in the future.**
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

3 Ingredient Toddler Trail Mix

Surely I am not the only one stuck sometimes on snack, right? C always wants the same things, bunnies, applesauce, yogurt, fruit etc. But I wanted to mix up her snack time here and there. So I decided the other day why not give her a good toddler trail mix. We used to do this all the time but haven't in a while since we went though picky eating phase. Surprise Surprise. So on a trip to Target this weekend we picked up a few things she loves and gave it a mix. We wanted a mix of sweet and salty while still being toddler friendly. She was pretty excited to get a new snack and so was mommy. I gave it to her during an episode of Daniel Tiger and she loved it! So needless to say this super easy snack will be making its way into our snack rounds. 

Feel free to send me any of your trail mix recipes or comment below with it, I'd love some new ideas.
Happy Mixing! 
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Monday, April 4, 2016

Bumpdate Week 22

How far along: I plan to do these as a recap of the pervious week so this is my 22 week update, currently I'm 23 weeks! 
Gender: GIRL 
Baby Size: Papaya
Maternity clothes: Yes of course and I have a super fun giveaway coming on Wednesday to stay tuned !You can win some awesome clothes of your own! 
Sleep: Yes of course as much as I can haha. We go to bed early family because I am so tired and I pass out. I still of course wake up a few times a night to pee, but hey I will take that over the insomnia I suffered from with C any day. 
What I am looking forward too: Still waiting on baby girl to stop being stubborn and move for her big sister and daddy. She squirms constantly and I feel a foot or hand on my side but the minute daddy tries she stops. 
What I miss: Not being so tired all the time. I am grateful that I can sleep this time around but i feel bad for C when mommy is so exhausted she can't run around and play. I do better in the morning then the afternoon, so we try to stay busy while I have the energy. 
Cravings: I had a big craving for sorbet still and ice cream, anything delicious and cold really. 
Queasy or sick: Nothing this week YAY! 
Best Moment of the week: Definitely Easter! C reaction was so sweet and precious I would live that moment over and over again. She is getting so big and sweet it makes me so happy. 

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