Friday, August 14, 2015

So you want to have a baby?

Since we announced we were pregnant with our sweet little girl I can't begin to tell you how many times we were asked by people how we knew we were "ready". I think with my Facebook feed being flooded with marriage proposals, wedding and baby announcements it's perfectly normal for our friends and family to be curious how we "knew" it was time to put a bun in the oven.
So here you have it my tiny bit of advice for how we knew we were ready....

Photo Credit Amanda from April Smith Photography 

You NEVER are! You can be as prepared as possible yet nothing in the world can truly make you ready for what is about to come.
I told my husband constantly that I knew I was ready and couldn't wait a moment longer. I wanted to be a mommy so bad. I read the books, I knew what ergo I wanted, I educated myself on breastfeeding, I ran the numbers, heck I even measured for a crib. The thing is nothing prepared me nothing truly made me ready. Knowing we wanted to start a family was more of a feeling then anything else. You can't take a quiz or a test to tell you if you are... you just know.
Then after months of getting ready and preparing everything from diapers to frozen dinners, this little bundle of joy will enter your world and everything changes. It's true what they say about your heart walking around on the outside of your body. You feel their pain, their joy, and you never thought you'd had so much fun hanging with Mickey Mouse.
No matter how much you try, nothing prepares you for the emotional roller coaster that is becoming a mom. Extreme frustration, immediately followed by extreme joy. Its a unbelievable feeling no one can truly prepare you for and it happens in a instant.
So my piece of advice for deciding if you're ready to have kids....go with you're gut! Trust you're instincts and you'll know when the time is right. You know YOU best. Have open and honest discussion with you're partner and when the time is right you will both feel it.
Just my 2 cents!
 photo http___signatures.mylivesignature.com_54493_198_3B9A860E4AB8BA4D9B027EA4557992A3_zpspcmixpxt.png

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