Monday, July 11, 2016

5 Real Truths about Baby Number 2

Hi all! So as the time comes closer and closer to meeting our sweet girl I have had a swirling emotions running though me. Of course I know I am not alone when I say so many things come into play when you decide to expand your family. So thought I would write it all out here so any other mamas feeling like this know you're not alone.

1) How is C really going to react? We have done all we could to "prepare" her for her upcoming bomb thats about to hit her life, but I keep wondering how is she really going to take it? Truth be told this kid is very sensitive and in tune with her emotions, I just hope we have built up her emotional vocabulary enough for her to tell me if she's ok. Her world as she knows it is about to basically explode and I worry that she'll have a hard time or feel displaced. Of course we plan to do everything in our power to help, but we can't make it perfect.

2) My baby isn't the baby anymore. Sure I know she's a big kid, but truth is she'll always be my baby. She's the one that made me a mommy and now with her becoming a big sister it makes her more  grown up then ever. Her vocabulary is AMAZING and I forget all the time that she's just TWO! She understands so much and we can have full on conversations and talk almost like friends. I know she will need me in other ways as time goes on, but it's bittersweet to think this is yet anther stage we are checking off the list.

3) Life as I know it is officially about to rocked AGAIN! The big truth on this one I am scarred. TERRIFIED even, we had such a rough go of it especially with sleep with C (see sleep post here) and I am so scared of what is to come. I know its hard in the beginning but we are in such a great rhythm right now with everything and we are about to jack it all up AGAIN! Yes I know these are all phases and it doesn't last forever, but it doesn't make it any easier knowing this time how hard it is in the beginning. At least now there can alcohol!

4) Will there really be enough time in the day for two kids!? Can I be ENOUGH for two kids? You worry about being the mom who can not only do it all but be it all for them. I don't ever want them to feel like they are getting half a mommy, but I am terrified of dividing my time for them and making sure I am enough for them. I want to be able to do all the things I did for C, for the new baby. Yet I know it wont be the same and thats ok. We will have a new everyday to adjust too, both C and I.

5) It's all going to be ok! Ha! I know this is a pretty basic one, but truth is this little thought gets me though the anxiety that I have about it all. It will all be ok and we will all be ok. Time will help, and we will find our new normal. I'll look back and laugh at this one day, probably when prepping for number 3 (yes we want 3) when I am thinking omg we will be outnumbered, but at least I know in time we will adjust and it'll be ok.

 photo http___signatures.mylivesignature.com_54493_198_3B9A860E4AB8BA4D9B027EA4557992A3_zpspcmixpxt.png

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely precious love. C & O will be so thankful to have a momma like you 😘
