Friday, May 27, 2016

Trips Lately

So for Mothers Day weekend we were actually in NY for my sisters graduation, she received her masters in Art therapy. We couldn't be more proud of her, C was so excited to see her graduate and celebrate with her. Of course whenever we are in NY there are always a million people to see, which is great but fills our days quickly. We ate all the NY food we could get our hands on, which basically means we stuffed our faces with Chinese and pizza. Ha! For Mothers Day we took my mom and nanny out for bunch which was delicious and super filling.

When we got back the next day was my birthday and we celebrated by heading over to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Watching C get so into it all made my day! She needed a wand, and we went to olivanders and got her one. She selected one of the interactive ones, so after that we spent the rest of our time casting spells around hogsmeade, when we actually got tit work it was pretty cool. After a yummy lunch at the three broomsticks we headed home. 

The next week we actually surprised my mother in law for her birthday present. We share a birthday, so we made it a few days later to throw her off a bit. I'm so upset with myself that I didn't get her reaction on video, she opened the door in shock and cried it was so special to get to do that for her. We had pizza with cousins that night then hung out with the family the rest of our visit. 

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