Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy 18 months to our peanut

Today is our sweet sweet baby girls 18 month birthday! I cannot believe we have been parents for a year and a half. Watching her grow up has given me more joy then I ever thought possible, she has a beautiful ability to turn our frowns upside down. I cherish each and every moment with her from her very first "hey-low mommy" first thing in the morning to  "byeeee mommy" at night. It's bitter sweet to watch her grow up.
This mornings snuggles 
Right now we are having a tea party and hanging in her tee-pee. She has become such a little person these past six months and is really no longer a baby. She talks a TON and is a little copy cat, so mommy and daddy have gotten real good at spelling while we speak. We can almost put her hair up in a pony and she loves all things girly. Minnie, Mickey, Doc and Sophia are her favorites and she can still sign like a pro. We have begun the potty training adventure and she peed on me last night. So I will take all the advice you would like to give. Her favorite foods are blueberries and eggs, she won't drink milk. She can swim like a fish and is moving up in swim lessons this week hopefully, she jumps off the side into my arms, floats on her back with my help and goes under water. I love that she's a fish. Her favorite things to do are walk our dog or "doe doe" as she calls him, go to the park and go "weeee",which means go down the slide, swim in the pool, sing and dance. She a handful and a ball of energy and we LOVE it! 

So in honor of her year and a half of life I thought I would share a post I did a long time ago on my old blog.  I wrote this when the peanut was itsy bitzy and thought it would be a fun share. So here we go.

Five things I have learned about being a new mom

1) Always bring a change of clothes for the peanut and MYSELF 
We ventured out on our own for the first time last monday to target of course and my sweet little baby had a huge blowout. When I picked her up she got poop all over me, then proceeded to puke on my shoulder, I then noticed I was leaking. She got all cleaned up and cozy and momma was stuck in a gross shirt! Lesson learned I now need a change of clothes wherever we go.

2) My boss is very tiny and very demanding, but she's totally adorable.
New mom job description below 
I can never be out of sight
I am on call 24/7
I go in early 
I stay late 
I have messy clothes 
My house will never be as clean as it used to be, but god knows I try
Starbucks is my best friend even if it's decaf
Don't blink because she will grow super fast
I get paid in hugs and kisses
and I wouldn't have it any other way

3) I have the BEST mother in the world 
What I thought I knew before, compared to what I know now. I knew NOTHING! My mother is amazing. I now sees how hard it truly is and I give my mom, and all moms out there so much credit. Love you mom. 

4)Never underestimate the power of a swaddle.  
The first 2 weeks of the peanuts life we were idiots. We could barely swaddle and she was startled very easily because of it. I was also too nervous to use her woombie. Once we started using that things got a lot better. Now they are bliss compared to the first two weeks home. She slept 7 hours straight last night.  That's the most sleep I have gotten since before I was pregnant. Hallelujah.  Needless to say the next kid will be in a woombie from the start. 

5) It's so true what they say, I love her more then anything.
It's a different kind of love one I never really knew existed. She's become our world! 
It's so cool how she can go from losing her mind to totally calm just because I picked her up. It's so amazing being a mommy. She challenges me for sure, but I love her to pieces. It's not the easiest job, but so rewarding. I feel so blessed to call her mine and I'm so lucky to be her momma. 
My husband is an amazing father and the most amazing husband in the world, even when we are both stressed out beyond belief. He ROCKS!

I have learned so much more since this post, for one that whole sleep thing I was bragging about, yeah it didn't last long AT ALL. She sleeps now but that was an up hill battle that requires it's own post.  For the most part all these things are still so true. My job description hasn't changed and my mom and husband still ROCK. I am a way more confident mom now, I try not to let other people, friends, or family get to me. I know no matter what I am doing what's best for us. Any who it's neat to take a look back.
We take 18 month photos tomorrow and I am so excited.
 photo http___signatures.mylivesignature.com_54493_198_3B9A860E4AB8BA4D9B027EA4557992A3_zpspcmixpxt.png

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