Tuesday, August 23, 2016

O Newborn Shoot

When it comes to newborn photos O could not be more different from big sister C. C's photos maybe took close to 6 hours while O was done in a few hours with minimal crying and calming. O is also pretty much a chill baby and we are very lucky to have one of those. Things over here have still been crazy with two kiddos and all but I am so grateful each and everyday for my adorable girls. So here are a few favorites from our sweet girls photo shoot. Thank you again to Amanda from April Smith Photography, she goes above and beyond for our little family and we just love taking pictures with her. 

C did amazing during photos and just loved having her picture taken. She was also beyond sweet to O which made us so happy. 

Best picture! 

Loves of my life

 My favorite photo! 

Girls Headbands | Cs Dress old similar here 

If you know me well you know we are huge Disney and Harry Potter fans so this picture was a must. Can't wait for the girls to be old enough so I can read these to them. 


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Monday, August 8, 2016

Hollins Party of 4!

Well I am back, after a few week break from blogging I am back at it albeit with a newborn on my lap in bed with pjs on but still back! On July 21st our lives changed forever we welcomed our sweet little O into the world at 8:02 am weighing 8 lbs 2 ozs and 21 inches long. I had a scheduled C section, for medical reasons and delivered her at 39 weeks to the day. Leading up to her delivery I was on fetal monitoring twice a week, her movement was't very strong the last few weeks, my blood pressure was a little high and my swelling was a little out of control so we opted rather to be safe then sorry. With all that being said I was very happy to have made it to her scheduled date! Going into surgery awake is such a surreal experience, I had an emergency C section with C so this time around was even more surreal, I walked into the OR lol. All and all it was a very easy experience my OB had music going and we chatted the whole time, mainly her making jokes that we need to have one more baby haha. O had some fluid in her lungs when she was born and her breathing wasn't quite right, so I got my golden hour but after that she was swept away into monitoring for almost 5 hours with daddy by her side. It was really hard having her taken so early but I was getting pictures and video of her from Steve the whole time. My milk took a while to come in and we had some weight gain issues in the beginning, but It looks like we are back on track now. We have another appointment with the pediatrician on Thursday and I am eager to see how much our little jelly bean weights. 

We have been in pure baby heaven, C is absolutely in love with her baby sister and wants to help me with everything she can. It is the most adorable thing to watch we love seeing how sweet she is to her sister she loves to come up to her and go "mommy she's so beautiful and tiny" melts my heart every time.  Since we have been home we have constant help first from my mom for 2 weeks then my in-laws for a week. Now we are officially alone as a family of four and adjusting well I think although its been 12 hours :-)

Family of 4! 

2 Weeks with 2 kiddos I can't believe it, Love our girls so much. 
Well thats all for a quick check in for now, I am back to dirty diapers, spit up and nursing. 
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