
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Nursery Wish List with Baby Cubby

As a mom of now two little kiddos I thought it might be fun to share some things that get me though the day just a little easier. Some things I own personally and others, I wish I had! So I teamed up with baby cubby to make a nursery wish list for you. Here are a few must have items for the new mama! 

4Moms tub, We received this tub for baby O and I love it! We also have the 4Moms spout cover which we use for C. I love knowing the temperature for baby and making sure its just right. Having a baby tub that has one built in is a no brainer! 

4Moms breeze, When we received this pack-n-play for C the minute I opened it up I immediately understood why its called the breeze. I have attempted to use other brands before and let me tell you I am not kidding when I say attempted, I wasn't able to open the thing. That's what I LOVE about this is so easy to open and set up, it's truly a breeze. 

Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double, After testing many many doubles for Disney purposes of course this is the side by side double we chose to go with. I wanted something that was more rugged then our everyday Orbit Baby Double. We plan on using this when O is bigger and can sit up in it, I see many Disneyland trips with this in our future. 

Owlet Monitor,  I have to admit when I first saw this product I was a little hesitant because of the price but luckily my awesome in-laws got it for us as a gift for baby O and it could not be more perfect present for a new mommy! With C I worried a ton and was up at all hours of the night constantly making sure she was breathing. I literally did not relax every time we went to bed and I believe I barely slept for her whole first year of life, not to mention the fact that she struggled with sleep but that's another story. The owlet has been such a lifesaver as far as my sleep is concerned. The smart sock works just like the monitors in the hospital using pulse oximetry. It shows you via an app on your phone that she is breathing on her own, and what her heart rate is which allows me to know she is safe and happy in her bassinet. The best part of this is truly the app once we finally get up enough nerve to leave both girls with the sitter for a date night we can check on O from anywhere, for now we use it while we watch a movie in the living room and she sleeps in our bedroom. Ha! The piece of mind alone with her this wonderful little device has given us is worth the cost in my opinion. I highly recommend it, if you buy anything for your first, second, third, or eighth child it HAS to be this. It really has been such a blessing to get a good nights sleep and know that the owlet will go off if God for bid there's a problem. It took us a little while to get the hang of it and make sure we had everything positioned just right so we weren't getting false alarms, but once we figured it all out it's been a breeze. Putting it on every night and knowing that if I want to check on her all I do is look at the base station on my nightstand and see the green light glowing and I know she's OK. 

Skip Hop Chelsea Downtown Chic Backpack, I love this diaper bag. I use it daily, I love using a backpack especially while chasing a toddler and needing both hands and to be honest you can't beat the price. It has tons of storage in it as well as pockets galore. Which is great being that it may be only of the only organized things I own currently. 

ErgoBaby Adapt 3 Position Child Carrier This carrier is fantastic you no longer need the infant insert if you have this one! Which is amazing since the last thing you need is anther thing to tote around with you. It works for babies as little as 7 lbs, so you can start using it immediately. I love baby wearing my littles so this is a must for every new mama, not to mention that ergo is always my go to since its the most comfortable for babies hips. 

I really enjoyed looking around Baby Cubbys site. I love how they carry most of my favorite brands and searching for items on there was super easy. They have a great selection of items including some stuff for mom as well. It's always great finding a one stop shop especially when it comes to everything kiddo related. For moms local the store even offers drive up ordering, how cool is that!  Happy Shopping! 

*This is a Sponsored post but all thoughts and options are my own

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